Medical ultrasound rates
- €60.44 Term ultrasound
- € 50.37 IUD check ultrasound
- € 79,19 Spiral placement incl.
- € 78.65* Gynecological ultrasound
- € 78.65* Fertility ultrasound.
- €50.37 Specific diagnostic ultrasound (Early ultrasound, blood loss ultrasound, growth ultrasound and positioning ultrasound)
*these are not reimbursed by the health insurance company
Non medical ultrasound rates and own wish ultrasounds
You can come to us for an extra ultrasound throughout the pregnancy! You pay for this ultrasound yourself. The prices include VAT.
- € 50.00 Echo Sex Determination
- € 70.00 Echo Luxe Sex Determination
- € 95.00 Echo Luxe 3D
- € 70.00 Echo Luxe 2D/3D – early term
- € 65.00 Echo Maxi 2D
- € 50.00 Echo Mini 2D – just a quick peek
- € to be determined Gift voucher
* Terms and conditions apply; when making an appointment for a pretecho, you agree to the terms and conditions for pretechos or additional ultrasounds at your own convenience. * Weekend/evening surcharge: for pretecho’s on weekends and in the evening (after 5:30 pm) there is a surcharge. For the mini and sex determination this is a surcharge of €5 and for the maxi and luxury ultrasound there is a surcharge of €10. Rates are inclusive of VAT. * Come back guarantee: if we cannot assess the gender during the sex determination ultrasound because of the position of the baby, you can come back for free at another time. With the deluxe ultrasound you can come back for free if the baby is in a position where we cannot make a good 3D photo.
You will receive all photos of the ultrasound digitally on a nice USB stick, so you will have the original photos digitally and can keep them safe forever and print them yourself on high quality photo paper. Of course, we can also put the photos on a previously received 040verloskunde USB stick if you bring it with you. We do not use self-brought sticks that are not from 040verloskunde.
If the baby is lying very unfavorably for a nice ultrasound, we will try to change this. Should this not succeed, the ultrasound operator may decide that you can come back for another ultrasound free of charge as a service. Unfortunately, of course, we can never guarantee that you will be able to take beautiful pictures because it depends on the position of the baby.
Ultrasound examinations are done for a variety of reasons. As far as is known now, occasional short ultrasounds during pregnancy are not harmful to the health of mother or child. It has been the subject of much scientific research and no adverse effects are known to date.
Ultrasound is a safe technique we use to visualize organs in the body. Another name is ultrasound examination. Ultrasound consists of high-frequency waves emitted by an ultrasound head. The internal organs bounce these sound waves back, making them visible on a screen. During an ultrasound, your midwife looks at the baby, the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.