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Full dilation of 10 centimeters has been reached. Your body often indicates this itself by pushing. Because of the pressure of the head against the rectum and your tailbone, you feel like you have to defecate uncontrollably. When the head is deep enough in the pelvis, it is time to push. Going from sucking away contractions to pushing may be a bit of a switch for you, but follow your body. Most women experience pushing as more pleasant than the dilation contractions. Instead of sucking, you may literally “push away” the pain. The midwife will motivate and encourage you to adopt different postures. A vertical position can be beneficial to the course. For some women, this feels more natural than the supine position. Other women also choose the supine position to relax well between contractions as well. You choose which position you find comfortable. The midwife guides you in this and, if desired, gives instructions regarding the pushing (and sighing to allow the head to be born slowly). On average, pushing for a first baby takes 1 hour. A second or subsequent baby often follows more quickly. The meeting between you and the baby is finally here!